Monday, September 7, 2009

From 5 Weeks to 5 Days - Wow

Just 5 days until I leave on the Water for People country tour - Wow! I've been doing a lot of reading and planning, even though I know that no amount of planning can prepare me for everything. These world statistics are staggering:

- 1 in 8 people in the world don't have access to safe water supplies

- The effects of not having clean water have a huge effect on the entire community, but particularly women and children because they spend several hours a day obtaining water, usually from polluted water supplies

- 38% of the world doesn't have access to improved sanitation - that's 2.5 billion people. Of that, 1.2 billion don't have any sanitation facilities at all.

- Did you take a shower today? I did, and in the process I used more water than most people in the developing world use in a day.

Providing clean water supplies and sanitation facilities improves health and reduces health care costs, allows for better attendance in school, and benefits the overall economy.

I am so looking forward to this trip, and hope that even in some small way, I can help make a difference for someone.


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